Millions of people worldwide drink soda on a regular basis regardless of whether or not it is good for them. Fortunately, for those who do enjoy soda and want something slightly more.. "nutritious" (well, as nutritious as soda can be anyway) organic German soda company BIONADE plan on making the move to the American market. Flavors include ginger-orange, elderberry, herb, and lychee.
Read the article.
The BIONADE website says:
"BIONADE is in keeping with the trend towards a more natural and healthy diet: A non-alcoholic refreshment drink that is organically produced through fermentation of malt and water. Nutritionally and physiologically valuable gluconic acid is generated in the process. An easily digested organic acid, it contributes to the detoxification of the body.
BIONADE is rich in calcium, low in sodium, phosphorus-free and non-alcoholic.
By combining with minerals, gluconic acid forms mineral gluconates. In this form, the minerals can be easily re-absorbed. A liter of BIONADE Forte contains 400 mg of calcium and 200 mg of magnesium with a very low sugar content."