Monday, June 16, 2008

Aveda's Intelligent Nutrients Brand Debuts Under Organic Scrutiny

"Aveda founder unveils Intelligent Nutrients: Will green gals get it? Horst Rechelbacher, the Aveda founder who sold his company to Estee Lauder back in the 1990s, is introducing a high-end line of hair and body care products, positioning the Intelligent Nutrients brand on its USDA Certified Organic status.

The premise is unusual. Currently, while there are a handful of personal-care products that are also Certified Organic, there are no organic standards for cosmetics in the U.S. That's what makes it easy for marketers to get away with the greenwashing IN says is "epidemic" in the beauty industry. Instead of relying on cosmetic standards, IN is using ingredients that are certified organic using food standards."

Read the article