Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Honest Tea Moroccan Mint

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketFor the past few days, I have been drinking Honest Tea's Moroccan Mint Green Tea. It has a nice mint flavor with just a touch of sweetness. I have the bottle (sadly, it's empty) right here next to me and the back of it says:

"For centuries, Moroccans have savored green tea with mint. Studies have shown that green tea is packed with antioxidants. Every bottle of our Moroccan Mint contains as much of the antioxidant EGCG as 32 servings of blueberries."

I wonder if that's true? Anyway, this tea also has approximately 1/4 the caffeine of coffee which also translates to me probably not being able to sleep tonight. Hooray!! (I am REALLY sensitive to caffeine.)