Friday, May 4, 2007

Courts Sides with Monsato

"The justices rule there is no basis to certify a class action lawsuit against Monsanto and Bayer CropScience.

The two companies have developed and sell genetically modified (GM) canola varieties. The organic farmers claim GM canola is shutting them out of the organic canola market. Marc Loiselle with the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate (SOD) says ''for us to be able to try and grow organic canola, it is virtually impossible because of the proximity to GM fields of canola, of which the pollen or even the seed or whole plants can drift onto our land."

However, the Court of Appeal says the claims of trespass, nuisance and negligence did not provide a plausible case of liability. Monsanto spokesperson Trish Jordan says "Roundup Ready canola has met or exceeded Canadian federal regulatory guidelines for food, feed and environmental release."

Read the article