Australia is still working on their organic standards. Hopefully, the outcome will satisfy organic fanatics both in Australia and worldwide.
"Australia's organic industry, estimated to be worth $500m, is set for a shake-up, with the development of a new Australian Standard for organic products. Retailers and restaurants will be most affected by the new standard, which will include fruit, vegetables, meat and processed food, and may also cover organic fabrics, cosmetics, and skin care products.
Deputy chief executive of Standards Australia, Colin Blair says the Australian Standard will provide a framework for the organic industry and will deal with production, processing, marketing and transportation. "This will be the first Australian Standard for the domestic organic market and once complete it will have widespread industry, consumer and government support," says Blair.
The new Australian Standard will: deal specifically with unprocessed plants, animals, and other cultured organisms for; specify requirements for primary production, transport and storage, preparation and packaging and marketing of organic produce; and establish definitions for specific terminology used in the industry to remove ambiguity."
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