Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why Eden Foods Doesn't Need the Seal

Many of you may know Eden Foods for their great variety of organic products. They have been offering everything from dried fruit to seasoned beans since 1969. Many of you may also notice none of their products bear the USDA certified organic seal. Eden took the opportunity to explain why they said no to the seal in June 2006:

"Though all EDEN organic food is grown, handled, processed, and certified in a way that meets and exceeds the requirements for using the 'USDA Organic' seal, Eden Foods chooses not to use this seal on its product labels or marketing materials.

Many reasonably ask how Eden came to this decision. The short answer is, this seal does not approach Eden's high standards for organic, in practice or in spirit.

Years before the implementation of the National Organic Program (USDA's NOP) in October of 2002, Eden got word in 1992 that a national standard for organic was underway. In theory it seemed like a good idea, but early on we had serious concerns.

Petitioning the NOP several times in the rule drafting process, Eden asked that the new national organic standards be a strong minimum standard, allowing growers and companies to certify to a higher standard. The answer was an adamant No: the USDA intended to set one minimum organic standard, it would not allow higher standards to be certified, and total control would lie with USDA."

Read the article

I can see why they passed on the seal, but I wonder if people pass on their products because of the lack of that little label? (Personally, I love their beans, buy Eden items, and respect their decision so no problem here.)