Larry Jacobs, the CEO of an organic culinary herb farm, was stunned to find out some of his crops were contaminated with pesticides in late 2006. His biggest problem was and still is that under law, there isn't much he can do about hazardous pesticide drifts from other farms:
"Last October, I received news that no organic farmer wants to hear: pesticides had been detected during a routine crop inspection. The pesticides were identified as organophosphates, some of the most toxic chemicals used on food crops. We immediately took steps to ensure the organic integrity of the product we send to market. Today, the source of contamination has been identified, but we are unable to stop ongoing pesticide drift under current law."
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It must be horrible to own an organic farm and have something like this happen. Trying to care for the earth rather than destroy it, but having your efforts wasted by others' carelessness.