Monday, June 11, 2007

UK Organic Shellfish Standards

"FARMED shellfish is about to be certified organic for the first time in the UK, the Soil Association announced today.

Consumers will soon see the familiar Soil Association organic logo on shellfish such as mussels, scallops, oysters and clams.

In response to increasing demand from shellfish growers, the Soil Association has developed an organic standard for the certification of bivalve shellfish production. Shellfish growers from Shetland to the Channel Isles wanted the organic standard as a guarantee to consumers of high quality. The Soil Association says it also wanted to recognise the inherently organic nature of farmed shellfish.

The Soil Association’s bivalve shellfish standard was considered by the Government’s Advisory Committee on Organic Standards (ACOS) last month - and was officially recognised by the Government (Defra) soon after. This gives the green light for certification to commence."

Read the article