Thursday, November 1, 2007

Organic Diet to Your Door

"ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Healthy Chef Creations, a nationwide fresh home meal delivery service, announced today the creation of their Enlightened Cuisine - personalized organic diet meals. This unique combination offers dieters a highly convenient, "no excuses" means to merge the need for better eating habits into their busy lifestyles.

"We didn't start out with the intention to create a diet. However, we noticed that our customers were reporting superior weight loss as a result of eating our portion-controlled organic and whole foods meals, customized to their liking. One of the significant side-benefits of the organic diet is that it addresses some of the food safety concerns consumers are worried about, namely Trans Fatty acids, acrylamide and cloned meats. Our customers don't have to worry as they have our promise that our food is free of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), preservatives and hormones. I personally select all the ingredients for freshness and quality." -- The Healthy Chef, John Procacci"

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