Thursday, August 28, 2008

U.S. and England Look to Peru for Organic Mangoes

"Exports of this product increased 79.4 percent. Holland, the United States and England were the main end- markets.

The preference for healthy food developed with non-contaminant techniques which protect the environment, is showing a significant international increase.

Peru is not far from this process and is making a big effort to introduce and position an attractive organic supply that fulfills the quality and standards that are demanded by this new market.

One of the Peruvian products that are being impelled is the organic mango, which is showing an interesting growth.

First sales took place in 2003 with non-significant amounts. In the year 2007, exports increased 79.4 percent, jumping from US$ 1.72 million to US$ 3.09 million; reports Peru's Export and Tourism Promotion Board – PromPerĂș."

Read the article