Sunday, October 26, 2008

Organic Diva Ann Garrity Says to Throw Out Unsafe Cosmetics

"Ann Garrity is careful to say that there are many reasons that she feels better these days. Her job is less stressful; her diet is healthier. But she has also changed every product that she smoothes, pats or brushes onto her skin after a doctor suggested that her health problems were linked to her cosmetics.

Persistent fibroids led her to an East Coast physician who urged her to throw out every lotion, soap and cosmetic she used "because I had too much estrogen in my system," Garrity said. The products themselves didn’t contain estrogen, but rather certain synthetic chemicals that can mimic estrogen in the body. Because her grandmother and mother both are breast cancer survivors and because studies indicate that exposure to environmental, or artificial, estrogen increases cancer risk, she cleared out her shelves."

Read the article