Friday, June 8, 2007

First Video of Disgraced Organic Dairy in California

"A video eulogy to the controversial Vander Eyk Dairy, “A Eulogy Written on a Country Pasture,” was released today by Amanda Rose, Ph.D., neighbor of the Vander Eyk Dairy and author of forthcoming Rebuild from Depression, a book on food nutrients and depression.

The video includes images of the confined cows in the Pixley, California, dairy and young heifers on the 10,000 acres of pasture land belonging to the Vander Eyk family. The images are accompanied by the classical holiday favorite, Ave Maria.

“The pasture land appears to be empty today,” said Rose.

Organic dairy watchdog organization The Cornucopia Institute reported yesterday that organic certifier Quality Assurance International removed organic certification from the Vander Eyk Dairy in May."

Read the article