Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reasons for India to Promote Organic Farming

"Only organic methods can help small family farms survive, increase farm productivity, repair decades of environmental damage and knit communities into smaller, more sustainable distribution networks — all leading to improved food security in and around India.

We can notice the after effects of LPG [Liberation, Privatisation and Globalisation] world over and Kerala in particular.

Paddy fields and agriculture sector are slowly vanishing. People who used to cultivate rice are migrating into other fields. The most important challenge in front of the Kerala government is how to sustain fast growing populations and also to break the claim made by agribusiness industry that there is no alternative to using genetically modified crops in agriculture if 'we want to feed the world'.

We have to find a way out to escape from the brink of food disaster. Organic farming is one way to promote either self-sufficiency or food security in states like Kerala."

Read the article