Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Defra Wants Farmers to Go Organic

"Today Defra launched a free national information and advice service for farmers thinking of converting to organic production methods. Plans were approved by the European Commission and funding made available to reintroduce the service. The new advisory service, which will be delivered by Natural England (NE) on Defra's behalf, will provide conventional farmers with free and impartial information and advice on the principles and mechanics of organic production to help them decide whether conversion is appropriate for their enterprise. It will comprise of a national helpline (which will provide initial advice and a comprehensive information pack), a dedicated website and a free on farm advisory visits service that will supplement the initial advice provided, where appropriate.

Welcoming the announcement Lord Rooker, Minister for sustainable food and farming said:

"As a Government we are keen to encourage English farmers to convert and adopt more sustainable production practices and take advantage of the wide range of opportunities offered by rising demand for organic food."

Read the article