"The Outstanding Organic Farmer of the Year is a yearly award honoring and recognizing talented producers who certify to the Organic Crop Improvement Association level of excellence. OCIA International is one of the world's foremost organic groups, with offices in Canada, the United States, Latin America, and Asia. OCIA Research and Education, Inc., a charitable organization founded by members of OCIA International developed the award program to honor and showcase talented producers who excel in cropping and livestock practices, who are good stewards of the natural environment and who are committed to the organic community.
OCIA Research and Education, Inc., Board member, Larry Glassburn presented the award to Darrell and Marva at the High Plains OCIA Nebraska Chapter Meeting in February. The award was also presented March 1 at the closing banquet of the OCIA Annual General Membership Meeting in Huatulco, Mexico. Lynn Brakke who lives near Moorhead, MN and Eric and Betty Leicht who live near Spalding, Saskatchewan were nominated for the award by their chapter peers and were named as honorable- mention winners at the banquet."
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