Sunday, April 15, 2007

Say No to GMOs

Brian Gore wants you to say no to genetically modified organisms. In his documentary, Unjust Genes, the hazardous effect GMOs have on both the environment and human health is examined.

"Gore showed excerpts from his new film, Unjust Genes, which features London-based anti-GMO campaigner Dr Mae-Wan Ho, who warns that GMO crops could lead to “global famine, environmental devastation and massive crop failures”.

The Columbans operate two organic demonstration farms in the Philippines, encouraging farmers to plant traditional varieties of rice and corn and extricate themselves from dependency on multinational agricorps. “As oil has gone up, so has the cost of fertilisers”, explained Gore.

“We don’t need it”, argued Gore. “On our traditional farms, good organic practices yield a good crop without depleting the soil or polluting the environment. In economic terms alone, this is superior to hybrid seeds and agro-chemicals or to GMO."

Read the article.