Thursday, January 3, 2008

Organics in Croatia

"Processors and traders from Western and Eastern Europe are increasingly looking for organic raw materials abroad. Croatia – an official candidate for EU membership since June 2004 – is considered a potential supplier of organic raw material in the medium term. In 2006, 5,000 hectares in total were being organically managed by 340 registered farms.

This accounts for approximately 0.6% of the arable land in Croatia. The most important crops are cereals (wheat and corn), followed by grasses, herbs, fruits, vine and olives. In addition, there are some 17,000 hectares of so-called organic bee pasture; this certification is unique throughout the world. These areas do not include the collection of wild plants such as herbs, wild berries and mushrooms, which plays a relatively big role in all Balkan states."

Read the article